Ok, to fully understand the next post, you need to read this post. Sorry, maybe it´s just the teacher in me. Here goes...
Nicaragua gains independence from Spain in 1821. For a while things are okay, but then the U.S. steps in looking to build a camnal. Panama becomes the canal location, but then the U.S. sticks arund looking to maintain its interests- supremecy in the region- By the turn of the century Augusto Sandino

begins to organize resistance to the U.S. forces. During the depression, the U.S. is forced to withdraw its troops, but not before putting Anastasio Samoza Garcia-described by FDR, ¨he may be a son of a bitch, but at least he´s our son of a bitch.¨- and his Guardia Nacional. The Somozas would rule Nicaragua brutally over the next 40 years or so. 1957-Somoza is assasinated in Leon, and is succeded by his two sons. By the 1970s opposition to the Somozas is growing, especially in the form of the Sandanista Party, named for Augusto Sandino. After a devastating earthquake on Christmas Day 1972, Somoza funneled almost all of the relief funds to himself and his friends. This single act of national betrayal legitimized the opposition more than any number of speeches or rallies ever could. From that point on the FSLN-Frente Sandanista Liberacion Naccional, or National Sandinista Liberation Front-

became the major opponent of the Somoza regime. After years of brutal Civil War, the Sandanistas finally gained victory on July 19th, 1979, a date still celebrated as Nicaragua´s independence day. While the victory was lauded by human rights groups the world over, it was quickly folowed by regime change in the United States. New President Ronald Reagan certainly didn´t like the left leaning Sandanistas, especially after they nationalized many of Nicaraugua´s industries, and he provided millions in funding and training for former Guarda Naccional soldiers who became known as the ¨Contras.¨ This lead to another decade or so of Civil War in Nicaragua. After congress cut off his funding, a surreptitous arms for hostages deal was arranged with a young Colonel named Oliver North

in what would soon become known as the Iran Contra Scandal. Peace in Nicaragua was finally secured in 1993, after decades of several different Civil Wars. No one has given me any grief about being American thus far, but they certainly havce every right to. Leave the actual number of words in the comments section if you´re a stickler for post titles corresponding to the posts themselves.
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